Amarpur, Tripura, 20th of October, 2024 : Based on a social media viral publication it has been revealed that Tripura BJP vice president Mis. P.K Jamatia who is TRPC chairman also has been expelled from the BJP organization. As per the social media viral allegation, her primary BJP membership has been cancelled as she has done anti party activities against BJP idealism. But on speaking with her she totally denied that she has been expelled from the post of vice president of the state. She said that no authority from the state or central has given her any official notice or letter to her about her expulsion till today where it takes only few minutes to reach into its destination. She has exclaimed that for a social media publication how the BJP vice president of the state of Tripura can be expelled! No state level nor central any authority has interacted with her over this expulsion elaborately indicating its reasonable reason. So, based on that social media viral the people of the state is in confusion over this fuzzy expulsion issue.
On speaking with her she said, “I am Tripura state vice president and TRPC chairman in the state till today; no like this social media publication can expell me from the post of Tripura state vice president of the party. I came into BJP party with my own determination and expulsion also will be by my own decision. No one can expell me from the BJP party as I did not commit any kind of crime till the date. I have made a solid union amidst indigenous communities of the state and struggled hard to provide them constitutional demands, rights and goal. In this circumstances if some people are feeling unfavourable atmosphere for their personal interest I don’t care for that. I am always prepared to struggle hard for the better safe, secured and prosperous future of our indigenous communities.” He also added that if party has expelled her from the organization then an official notice or letter should come into her hands. But no on behalf of the party nor central govt. authority has given her anything till the date. Only a social media publication can’t expell Tripura state vice president from her post. It is like a joke where people of the state is seeking its reality till today, she said.
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