September 8, 2024


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Maharani Hrangkhawl Obtained Global Woman Inspiration Award 2023.

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Global Woman Inspiration Award 2023 has been honoured to Maharani Hrangkhawl, assistant professor of Government degree college of Khumulwng in Double Tree by Hilton Hotel, Goal, India on 26/06/2023 through a grand felicitation programme organized by Hypedge, I Can Foundation. This prestigious award has been honoured by Hypedge, I Can Foundation, recognized as Nurturing Humanity across the globe.

As per the report, basis on outstanding contribution to society 100 extraordinary women have been selected from all over the world for this felicitation ceremony this year. Basis on their recognition of their strong standing against the challenges in their life; being a role model in the community and creating inspiration for other women of the society the concerned authority felt honoured to felicitate these genuine women for this prestigious award for their outstanding contribution to society. Smt. Maharani Hrangkhawl, the only one woman who has been honoured this award from Tripura. The people of Tripura have expressed proudness over her appreciable achievement as she has shined well for the state.

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