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GDC Observes NCC Raising Day. 

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Agartala,  26th of November 2023 :  The Government Degree College of  Khumulwng, alongwith staff and students marked the NCC Raising Day with fervor and zeal, setting the stage for a memorable event. The occasion began with a impactful video message from Tripura Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha, emphasizing the pivotal role of NCC in fostering discipline, leadership, and patriotism among the youths. The presence of esteeme quests added distinction to the event, with Shri Anirban Dhar Chaudury, the commandant of the 7th Battalion TSR, serving as the Guest of Honour, accompanied by Dy. Commandant Shri Bijay Kr. Jamatia. Subedar Kaka Bansule, a JCO of the Indian Army, and Hav Indra Limbu represented the 13 Tripura Batallion NCC. The program was led under the able leadership of Lt Daniel Debbarma, ANO, Smt. Maharani Hrangkhawl, Assistant Professor and Dr. Bhupendra Debbarma, the Officiating Principal of Government Degree College, Khumulwng.Shri Jagadish Debbarma, the Hon’ble Chairman of TTAADC and a former NCC cadet, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. His address resonated with the cadets, as he shared his inspiring journey from Umakanata Academy School, Agartala, underscoring the transformative impact of NCC on his life. Urging the cadets to pursue their dreams and contribute positively to society, he emphasized the virtues of leadership and discipline instilled during his own NCC days.

The felicitation ceremony honoured outstanding cadets, including Company Senior Under officer Risha Debbarma and officer Khatung Debbarma, who were officially bestowed with their ranks. Cadets displaying exceptional achievements, such as CSUO Risha.Debbarma, CPL Rima Debbarma, LCPL Simon Debbarma, SGT Risa Debbarma, CPL Khumali Debbarma, CPL Amit Debbarma, and SGT Sawrab Saha, were recognized and presented with menmentos and certificates., The event wasn’t just about accolades but also included a symbolic gesture with Government Degree College, Khumulwng, receiving 8 Dummy Rifles from the 13 Tripura BN NCC. These rifles are intended for training cadets in various drills, including salutes with arms and Guard of Honour for Dignitaries. Beyond the formalities, the cadets showcased their diverse talents through cultural extravaganza, featuring vibrant cultural dances and patriotic songs. The ceremony concluded on a gracious note with a heartfelt vote of thanks delivered by Mr. Prasenjit Debbarma, Assistant Professor, highlighting the enduring significance of NCC in shaping responsible and disciplined citizens. 

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