September 8, 2024


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GDC Girls Hostel Observed International Yoga Day 2024.               

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Amarpur, 21st of June 2024 :  With the initiative of government Degree College girls hostel authority International Yoga Day 2024 has been observed with great enthusiasm & dignity in Khumulwng college premises. Under the able guidance & supervision of GDC assistant professor Mrs. Maharani Hrangkhawl a large number of girl hostellers have taken participation in the event with good promptness. Following the theme of the year 2024, ‘Yoga for self and society’ the event has showcased well.

In 2024 Indian prime minister honourable Narendra Modi has proposed the idea of celebrating the day on 21st of June during his address to 69th of session of the United Nation General Assembly. The hostel superintendent prof. Maharani Hrangkhawl has led the Yoga class with her girl hostellers to motivate them towards the immense significant of Yoga practice to obtain a health life. She has performed different kinds of yoga in the yoga class to generate inspiration amidst her hostellers and imparted good tips  to the participants over the essentiality of yoga practice in our daily life to maintain better health. 

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