September 8, 2024


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Fish Farming Training Program Organized.

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Amarpur, 23rd of May 2024 : Targeting to promote the fishery project Ampi forest range officials under Amarpur division organized a three day long fish farming training programme here in Ampi F.D.A hall in Gomati Tripura. To generate proper awareness over project  management knowledge, implementation techniques and enthusiasm amidst the SHG fishery project beneficiaries the concerned authority has appointed a resource person namely Dulal Das who imparted good tips to the SHG beneficiaries. To gain more benefit in short time he explained them how to implement fish farming. The experienced resource person has provided genuine knowledge and essential tips to the concerned beneficiaries to foster their fishery project.

As per the report, SHGs under SCATFORM project each group consisting 10 beneficiaries have to get loan from forest department Rs.100000 to initiate the project. As per the criteria, after 1 year each  group have to restore their loan amount with interest of Rs.103000 to the loan lender officials. Sources said, under the supervision and guidance of the Ampi nagar ranger many groups have gained achievement in the previous implementation session and restored their loans with interest and thence the whole production is their own profit now. The majority portion of the female beneficiaries from different SHGs have attended the training programme from different VCs and learnt many essential tips over the project management techniques in the training session. Different kinds of fish farming techniques as fish farming with ducks, fish farming with pigs, fish farming with poultry farm etc have been taught in the programme.

The ranger of Ampi nagar forest range Jagadananda Tripura has addressed the beneficiaries to motivate them over this profitable fishery project. He has given genuine knowledge over the better management of this fish cultivation scheme which can be a good income source for their family management. How to attain better profit from fish production in short time applying suitable method to extend fish growth feeding fingerlings in proper way was the main issue in his speech. He emphasized to keep pond and lake clean and good management of sun light which are mandatory for better growth of fingerlings. A large number of indigenous beneficiaries have availed good ideas over their project management through this training programme. It is expected that if the beneficiaries lead their fish farming project with concentration and carefulness then of course their fortune will smile in future.

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