September 8, 2024


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Drugs Tendency Prevailed At Taidu.​

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The deadly drugs tendency has been prevailed amidst the local youngsters here in Taidu under Ampinagar block Gomati Tripura. Many youngsters of the locality are engaged with this drug addition and working as drugs peddler. They are buying drugs from other places and bring to Taidu to sell them amidst local youngsters secretly. Few days back two youngsters have been tied with a pole by the villagers at Taidu over this drug issue. Again today the angry villagers caught two youngsters connected with deadly drugs and tied them with a pole ; expressed heavy anger over them.

There was heavy noise and gathering of the villagers where the youngsters were tied. These youngsters are themselves addicted and inspiring other local youngsters to use drugs for selling, sources said. Afterwards the villagers informed the concerned area PS authority and handed over the boys. The administration is not taking proper initiative to prevent this drug tendency among the local youngsters, said a local villager. If it is not prevented then many lives will be spoiled shortly, said local educated persons.

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