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Death Of Bangladeshi Smuggler In BSF Firing.

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Agartala, 9th June, 2024 : 9th June at about 0730 hrs, BSF troops while dominating the area of BOP Kalamchera, observed a large group of smugglers, armed with sharp edged weapons on either side of border fence, attempting to smuggle goods across the International Border. When challenged to stop, the smugglers didn’t pay any heed and got aggressive and tried to encircle the BSF Jawan on duty with an intent to assault him and snatch his personal weapon.

Sensing imminent danger to life and government property, BSF Jawan fired 01 round of PAG in self-defence. Use of non-lethal weapon further emboldened the smugglers and they continued with their aggressive action. A brief scuffle ensued, during which Ct Rajeev Kumar, sensing a threat to his life and weapon, was compelled to fire one round from his INSAS rifle. Resultantly one Bangladeshi smuggler got killed close to the border fence and about 150 yards inside the Indian Territory.

Subsequently a thorough search of the area was carried out and huge quantity of sugar, 04 machetes and wooden planks were recovered from the area of incident. The identity of the deceased was reliably learnt to be one Anwar Hussain (35 years), S/O Late Charu Mian, a resident of Mirpur, Ward No-5, PS Burichong, District Comilla, Bangladesh.

A similar incident occurred on 02 June 2024 in the same area where the same Bangladeshi smugglers brutally assaulted one BSF Constable, attempted to drag him towards the Bangladesh side and also snatched his personal weapon (PAG) and radio set.

The BSF remains firmly committed to maintain peace and tranquillity along the Bangladesh border and continues to work closely with Border Guards Bangladesh.

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