September 8, 2024


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Annual Press Briefing : Frontier Headquarters Border Security Force.

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BSF, since its inception in the year 1965 has always dedicated its services to the Nation, maintaining exemplary standards of bravery and professionalism.  It continues handling multifarious challenges involving National Security, living upto the standard of the motto of the Force i.e. “जीवनपर्यन्तकर्त्तव्य”.

In the state of Tripura, BSF has been entrusted with the responsibility of guarding International Border stretching upto 856 Kms.  Over the years, BSF Tripura Frontier has been performing multifarious responsibilities, in fighting the insurgency, in maintaining the sanctity of the border as well as in preventing all kind of trans-border crimes, while working under adverse climatic conditions in remote & inhospitable topography and highly malaria epidemic zones in the most part of its operational areas.

BSF Tripura Frontier has always maintained good coordination with Govt of Tripura, State Police Forces and other Security & Intelligence Agencies while managing its assigned tasks of safeguarding the International borders and maintaining harmony amongst the border population.

BSF Tripura Frontier has achieved several mile stones during the preceding year 2021, in the face spite of serious constraints posed by the COVID-19 Pandemic situation prevalent both inside in the State of Tripura as well as across the border. The following are some of the important achievement of BSF Tripura Frontier   during the preceding year 2021:


  1. Anti-insurgency Front: During the year 2021, BSF Tripura Frontier maintained strong vigil on the border to prevent trans-border movement of insurgents, particularly in the eastern segment of the State. In view of constant pursuance by BSF Formations, 06 active Insurgents of NFLT (BM) Cadres surrendered before BSF Tripura Frontier during the year 2021, taking the total number of insurgents surrendered before BSF till date to 31 Nos.
  2. Prevention of Trans-border Crimes (Seizure of contraband items): During the year 2021, huge quantity of contraband items having total value of  around Rs. 35.64 Crores have been seized, which include huge quantity of Narcotic substances viz: 88,417 Nos Yaba Tablets worth Rs. 3,81,34,500/-), 13,206.99 Kgs Dry Ganja worth Rs. 9,34,63,850/-, 48,200 Btls of Phensedyl / Eskuf Syrup worth Rs. 78,32,681/-, 8,939 Btls of Liquor worth Rs.  15,93,113/-, besides 2,422 Nos cattle heads worth Rs. 2,52,28,350/- and large number of other articles i.e. Medicines worth Rs. 41,84,137/-, 16,165 Nos Garments / Sarees worth Rs. 75,45,722/- and assorted Contraband Items worth Rs. 17,78,83,678/-.
  3. Destruction of  Ganja  cultivation in depth area in state of Tripura: During the year 2021, BSF along with sister agencies and even acting independently has conducted special drive in depth areas and destroyed 45,07,039 Nos Ganja Mature & Immature Saplings worthRs. 24,14,75,000/-.
  4. Prevention of illegal infiltration/exfiltration: Due to strict vigil on the border, BSF Tripura Frontier has been able to apprehend total 221 personnel (97 Nos Bangladeshi National and 118 Nos Indian National &06 Nos Others foreign Nationals), while attempting illegal crossing of border (as compared to total 128 Nos in Year 2020) and initiated necessary legal action against them.
  5. Strengthening of Border Infrastructure: During the year 2021, BSF Tripura Frontier took several initiatives in completing the IBB fencing work on the border as well as by deploying technological intervention and other measures. During Year 2021, 08 Nos pending gaps of Single Row Fence (SRF) has been fully completed and plugged. Similarly, the SRF work is in progress in other stretches.

BSF Tripura Frontier has also taken initiatives at the local level to plug the Nullah and culvert gaps, particularly in the eastern part of the State (blocked 44 Nos Nullah and culverts by fixing iron gates).

BSF Tripura Frontier has also taken initiatives to install smart surveillance system (24 physical location involving 95 Nos of smart surveillance cameras) to enhance the border domination in most smuggling and infiltration prone areas.


Since March 2020, BSF Tripura Frontier has taken several effective measuresto prevent spread of COVID-19 Pandemic in its different campuses.  Several SOPs and Guidelines have been issued during the period covering various aspects like maintaining Covid appropriate behavior, creating & maintaining quarantine facilities, creating Covid Care Centers, Vaccinating all members of the Force in BSF Tripura Frontier and their families etc.

Besides, BSF Tripura has also taken effective steps on spreading awareness and providing various sanitizations and other equipment’s to the local population residing in bordering villages. The list of such achievements uptothe end of 2021 is enumerated as follows:-

  1. Total number of BSF Troops & families vaccinated:

BSF personnel:

First Doze                              –           19,495Nos     (99.42%)

SecondDoze                         –           19,300Nos     (98.42%)

Booster Doze                        –           4,083Nos       (20.80%)

Family Members:

First Doze                              –           1,210 Nos      (96.56%)

Second Doze                        –           1,005Nos       (80.20%)

Children(15-18 Yrs) –           88 Nos           (83.80%)

  • Total 65 Nos Quarantine / Isolation facilities having capacity of 2,264 bedscreated in BSF Campuses.
  • Total Covid Care Centers facilities created at:

CH BSF Tripura Frontier                – 50 Bedscapacity

11 Other Covid Care Centers        – 223 Bedscapacity


BSF Tripura Frontier has regularly maintained very healthy and cordial relationship with border population and organized various civic action programs over the year. During the year 2021, several such Civic Action Programs were organized and the border population was provided with various equipment’s and basic amenities for safe drinking water, health support system, educational/study material, sports equipment etc.

Besides, BSF Tripura Frontier also organized training camps in border villages for providing pre-recruitment training for local youth for employability in armed/para military forces, driving license etc. In all the above mentioned programmes, different Units under BSF Tripura Frontierhave spent an amount ofRs. 1,50,95,136/- under head Civic Action Programmeto conduct these activities during the Year 2021.


Units, Sectors and HQrBSF Tripura Frontier has been regularly organizing various sports and gamesactivities in different campuses by involving the local population, school children and also the counterpart BGB personnel to enhance good cooperation and better coordination.  Some of the important achievements under this head during the year 2021 are enumerated as under:-

  • Maitree Cycle Rally

Maitree cycle rally was conducted in the year 2021 in which  a group of BSF personnel cycled all along the Indo-Bangladesh border, covering 817 Kms stretch in State of Tripura in 11 days. Several events were also organized all along the border where the representatives of local administration, BGB officials and local villagers participated with full of enthusiasm in the welcoming the cyclists.

  • Maitree Football Match

“BSF-BGB Football Maitree Match” was conducted on 18th March 2021 at Brijendra Kishore Football Stadium, Belonia, District – South Tripura.

  • Fit India Freedom Run – 2.0, Azadi Ki Amrit Mahotsav- 2021 & Mini Marathon Events

Fit India Freedom Run – 2.0 &Aadi KiAmritMahotsav& Mini Marathon events were conducted in the different campuses of BSF Tripura Frontier in which total 5002 Force personnel, their family members and local civilians participated and they cumulatively covered a distance of 17,180 Kms.

  • BSF Half Marathon

One BSF Half Marathon was organized in the BSF Tripura Frontier on the auspicious occasion of Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti 2021 in which BSF troops and civilians participated enthusiastically and covered a distance of 21.0975 Kms.

  • Mahila PrahariCyclothon Rally

One Mahila PrahariCyclothon Rally was organized on 01st Dec, 2021 at Frontier HQ BSF Tripura in which 20 Mahila Praharis of Frontier participated and covered a distance of 30 Kms.

  • BSF Tripura Frontier has participated in all the Inter-Frontier level competitions/events and achieved following important laurels in some of the events:
01)Photography & Videography02 Aug 202107Aug 2021Photography – 1st
Videography – 3rd
02)Handball Completion07 Dec 202110 Dec 20212nd Position
03)Football Completion13 Dec 202117 Dec 20213rd Position
04)Cross Country Completion21 Oct 202122 Oct 20213rd Position


BSF Tripura Frontierhave regularly conducted various other social activities in its different campuses and many other public places as enumerated below:

  • Regular “Health Care Camps”for border population.
  • Several “Cultural Programs”involving local troops as well as BSF members in different BSF Campuses.
  • Weapon Exhibitions at public places on 22 Nov 2021, 23 Nov 2021, 242021 and 25 Nov 2021.
  • Pre-Diwali Mela at Frontier HQ Salbagan on 02 & 03 Nov2021.
  • Fare / Mela in Dharmanagar Town under Panisagar Sector jurisdiction on 13 & 14 Dec 2021.
  • Several Sports & games events conducted jointly with local teams in BSF Campuses.
  • Regular debate, essay and quiz competition among school children.
  • Felicitation of widows/NOKs of BSF Martyrs and Retirees on special occasions.
  • Dog show by BSF Dog Squad and BSF Band display at different public places.
  • “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” Campaign at all campuses as well as in public places like Railway Stations, Hospital, Schools etc.
  • Joint cultural programme with participation of troops from India & Bangladesh to celebration “Azadi Ki Amrit Mahotsav” at ICP Agartala on 12 Dec 2021.
  • Swarnim Mashaal Reception at ICP Agartala on 07 Nov 2021.
  • Mega Tree Plantation Drive in all the  campuses of BSF as well as in public places like schools, Railway stations, health care centre etc (During the year 2021,  planted more than 1,36,115 samplings).
  • Screening of BSF Movies in Mobile Vans etc.


BSF Tripura Frontier has always maintained good cordial relations with its counterpart BGB at various hierarchy level.  Following are some of the achievement under this head during the year 2021:-

  • 02 Inspectors General& Region Commanders BGB Level talks held in the month of June2021 & again in Nov2021.
  • 05 Sector level Comdr meetings were held between two border guarding forces.
  • BSF-BGB Football Maitree Match was organized on 18th March 2021 at Brijendra Kishore Football stadium, Belonia, District-South Tripura with the participation of senior level officials from both border guarding forces.
  • Several joint cultural eventswere organized at important locations on the border for welcoming “Maitree Cycle Rally”participants.
  • Joint celebration of 50thAnniversary of Bangladesh Liberation war on 16.11.2021, Independence Day & Republic Day of India and other events with participation from both the border guarding Forces.

            BSF Tripura Frontier has always maintained exemplarily standard of bravery and professionalism in its service to the Nation, simultaneously maintaining good cordial relations with all sections of the society in the State of Tripura as well as with the Counterpart BGB.  We are committed to maintain the same in years to come

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