October 16, 2024


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Leaders From 120 Member Countries To Attend The Seventh Session Of The International Solar Alliance Assembly In New Delhi.  

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New Delhi, Delhi, 16th of October 2024 : The curtain raiser for the Seventh Session of the International Solar Alliance (ISA) Assembly was hosted today in New Delhi. Representatives from 60 countries participated in the event. 

The assembly will be presided over by Shri Pralhad Joshi, Union Minister of New and Renewable Energy. The Seventh Session of the ISA Assembly is set to be a truly global event. Ministers, missions, and delegates from 120 Member and Signatory Countries, along with partner organisations and stakeholders, will come together to focus on initiatives to improve energy access, security, and transition.

Shri Pralhad Joshi, Union Minister of New and Renewable Energy & President of the ISA Assembly, addressed the august gathering, stating, “ISA has evolved into a key platform for global solar cooperation, now encompassing 120 Member & Signatory Countries. This growing commitment demonstrates solar energy’s significant role in addressing our shared energy access challenges and the adverse effects of climate change. The progress made by ISA’s Member Countries in adopting solar energy is remarkable. Solar energy, available year-round and in abundance in some of our Member Countries, holds the potential to be the game-changer in the theatre of global climate action. Its attributes of being clean, reliable, free and easily accessible to all make it central to achieving universal energy access. Our efforts through the ISA focus on expanding solar infrastructure, creating green jobs, supporting livelihoods, and mitigating climate impacts.”

Under the presidency of the Republic of India and co-presidency of the Republic of France, the seventh session of the International Solar Alliance Assembly will be held at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi, India, from 03 November to 06 November 2024. Ministers, mission heads, and senior government officials from 120 Member and Signatory Countries, prospective countries, partner organisations, the private sector, and key stakeholders will participate.

Shri Ajay Yadav, Joint Secretary, MNRE, Government of India, in his opening remarks, noted,“Global solar deployment presents its challenges: investments, infrastructure, and indigenisation. Countering these challenges demands targeted efforts to support the sector’s expansion. Further highlighting ISA’s role and substantial contributions, he said, “To address these challenges through various programmes, initiatives, and collaborations with governments, private enterprises, and international organisations and by working with its Member Countries, ISA creates opportunities to diversify global supply chains and boost solar energy demand, contributing to manufacturing capacity growth.” Elaborating on the focused efforts, he added,We proudly count 120 among our Member & Signatory Countries, with 102 ratifying the ISA Framework Agreement, showcasing our growing global influence. With the firm support of Member Countries, ISA has successfully launched initiatives to accelerate solar adoption, foster innovation, and enhance capacity-building efforts.”

Dr Ajay Mathur, Director General of the International Solar Alliance, said,”The International Solar Alliance stands at the forefront of global efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDGs 7 & 13 on affordable and clean energy and climate action respectively. The International Solar Alliance is a force for change. It harmonises and aggregates demand for solar finance, technologies, innovation, research and development, and capacity building. This initiative is more than just a coalition; it is a revolutionary movement reshaping our energy landscape and our planet’s future. Adding further, he said, “As we approach the mark to last five years to realise the goals defined by the 2030 Agenda, this session of the ISA Assembly is an important nudge to accelerate our actions and raise our ambitions. All stakeholders must make this decade count in favour of climate action. Our work at the ISA directly supports the implementation of the Paris Agreement and contributes to the broader UN framework for sustainable development. ISA is working with Member Countries to help shape conducive policies to bring in investments in solar energy, a sustainable pipeline of solar-powered projects, and help build skills to sustain solar projects in the long term.”

At this assembly, the fulcrum of the discussions will be the means and modes that will be adopted to accelerate solar deployment across Member Countries, especially in regions with limited energy access.  Additionally, updates on the following ISA’s flagship initiatives for entrepreneurs, skill enhancement and capacity building, mobilising finance, and advocacy for solar as energy as a choice will be presented:

  • SolarX Startup Challenge, launched by ISA in collaboration with Invest India in 2022, at COP27 in Egypt, the challenge aims to foster entrepreneurship by supporting scalable and replicable solar energy business models in ISA’s Member Countries.
  • The STAR-C initiative, launched in 2022 by ISA, UNIDO, and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, France, aims to build capacity and align skills with national training needs. It enhances quality infrastructure and standards for photovoltaic and solar thermal products to drive economic growth and job creation.
  • Global Solar Facility: launched in 2022, enhances solar investments in underserved regions, particularly Africa, using tools like the Solar Payment Guarantee Fund and Solar Insurance Fund.
  • The First International Solar Festival, launched in September 2024, brought together corporates, academia, youth, community leaders, and other stakeholders to exchange ideas, promoting creativity and international cooperation for a future driven by solar energy.

The Assembly’s seventh session will be followed by a day-long series of sessions styled as a ‘High-Level Conference on New Technologies for Clean Energy Transition’ on 5 November 2024 hosted in collaboration with the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, the Government of India, the Asian Development Bank, and the International Solar Energy Society. The conference’s third edition will be attended by the ministerial delegations of the ISA Member Countries, policymakers, subject matter experts, and industry leaders. Through its deliberations, the Conference aims to inspire real-world change and make significant strides toward achieving global climate goals by fostering collaboration, sparking innovation, and sharing knowledge by focusing on promoting solar energy to cut carbon emissions, find ways to expand energy access and boost economic growth. The Conference will also witness the release of the third edition of ISA’s World Solar Reports on Technology, Finance, and Markets.

The Assembly proceedings will conclude on 6 November 2024 with a visit to a farm site on the outskirts of New Delhi showcasing the practical implementation of agrivoltaic systems. The site in Najafgarh is maintained by the India Agrivoltaics Alliance, an initiative of the National Solar Energy Federation of India (NSEFI), along with like-minded organisations dedicated to advancing the concept of agrivoltaics in India, which involves the simultaneous use of land for both agriculture and solar energy generation.


The Assembly is the apex decision-making body of ISA, representing each Member Country. This body makes decisions concerning the implementation of the ISA’s Framework Agreement and coordinated actions to be taken to achieve its objective. The Assembly meets annually at the ministerial level at the ISA’s seat. It assesses the aggregate effect of the programmes and other activities in terms of deployment of solar energy, performance, reliability, cost and scale of finance. 120 countries are signatories to the ISA Framework Agreement, of which 102 countries have submitted the necessary instruments of ratification to become full members of the ISA. The Republic of India holds the office of the President of the ISA Assembly, with the Government of the French Republic as the co-president.

The Seventh Session of the ISA Assembly will deliberate on initiatives of ISA that impact energy access, security, and transitions with a focus on:

  • Empowering Member Countries to adopt solar energy as the energy source of choice
  • Make energy access universal by supporting solar entrepreneurs to scale up local solutions
  • Mobilise finance to speed up solar deployment


The International Solar Alliance is an international organisation with 120 Member & Signatory Countries. It works with governments to improve energy access and security worldwide and promote solar power as a sustainable way to transition to a carbon-neutral future.

ISA’s mission is to unlock US$ 1 trillion of investments in solar by 2030 while reducing the cost of the technology and its financing. It promotes the use of solar energy in the agriculture, health, transport and power generation sectors. ISA Member Countries are driving change by enacting policies and regulations, sharing best practices, agreeing on common standards, and mobilising investments. Through this work, ISA has identified and designed and tested new business models for solar projects; supported governments to make their energy legislation and policies solar-friendly through Ease of Doing Solar analytics and advisory; pooled demand for solar technology from different countries, and drove down costs; improved access to finance by reducing the risks and making the sector more attractive to private investment; increased access to solar training, data and insights for solar engineers and energy policymakers.

ISA was formed at the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held in Paris in 2015 and is partnering with multilateral development banks (MDBs), development financial institutions (DFIs), private and public sector organisations, civil society, and other international institutions to deploy cost-effective and transformational energy solutions powered by the sun, especially in the least Developed Countries (LDCs) and the Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

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