Teliamura, 21st of May, 2024 : 25 years old housewife on fire. The incident around Tuesday evening in Kalitila (Banar Chowmuhani) area under Teliamura police station. According to the details of the incident, a housewife of Kalitila area under Teliamura police station was burnt to death. Suparna Sarkar (25), wife of Prabhat Sarkar, a resident of Kalitila area, was the housewife seriously injured in the fire. Afterwards public informed the Teliamura fire brigade personnel over this occurrence. The fire service personnel arrived on the spot, immediately rescued and brought him to Teliamura Sub-divisional Hospital.
As the housewife’s condition is serious, the doctor on duty referred her to GB Hospital, Agartala for better treatment. Meanwhile, the hospital sources that the cause of the fire is that the fire starts while cooking. However, it was not possible to know how the fire started from the family members. Although no one opened his face in front of the camera, according to local sources, the reason for the fire of the housewife could be family dispute. However, by the evening, there was a sensation in the area due to the incident of fire on the house wife.
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