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Anti Drugs Awareness Cricket Series 2024 Organized.

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Amarpur, 17th of March 2024 : With the initiative of Tentui Kami Nahormung Club a youth motivational Anti Drugs Awareness Knockout Cricket Tournament Series 2024 has been organized here in Tentui Bari High School play ground under Ampi Nagar RD block in Gomati Tripura. The anti drugs awareness knockout cricket tournament series had been initiated from 25 February and ended today on 17th of March 2024 where total 22 teams have taken participation in this inspiring series. In very event the local sports lover villagers  have assembled in the venue and enjoyed the series events.

As per the report, the Nahormung Club authority always in promptness to lead the local youths into right direction. They generate endeavor to do something better which will bring peace and prosperity in the society. To create tendency amidst youngsters over games and sports and to set them free from any kind of narcotic utility the club members promote anti drugs awareness programme in the locality.

Deb Sadhan Jamatia, adviser committee member of the club said, “Our aim is to create affective awareness over good habit specially amongst the youngsters who will take the responsibilities of the society ahead. To divert the youngsters to games and sports which is essential for moulding personality is a major endeavor of our club. To be affiliated with sports youngsters will have drugs free good future as well as it will maintain sound body and sound mind.”

All the competition events have been accomplished in great enthusiasm and excitement. The final match has been played today between Local senior team Vs Tentui Rising Star Team where the Local senior team has obtained the championship status and the Tentui Rising Star Team has achieved the status of runner up. The man of the match was Joy Kishan Saha and the man of the series was Benjamin Debbarma. For champion team Rs.25000 and for runner up Rs.10000 have been  awarded as prestigeous credit including nice trophies. CEM Sri Purna Chandra Jamatia, TTAADC was present as a chief guest in the final match.

Amidst the other dignitaries there were Ampi 41 constituency MLA Pathanlal Jamatia, Ampi block TMP secretary Prabir Jamatia and many others remained present in the final tournament event. The local people have appreciated the initiative and thanked the concerned club members for their philanthropic contribution.

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