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Women SHG Motivational Program Conducted At Ampi

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Ampi, 6th of February 2024 : Aiming to create motivation amidst women over various development women SHG schemes of the central government a guideline inspiring programme has been organized here in Ampinagar town hall today. Under the able guidance and supervision of the TRPC chairman PK Jamatia the programme has provided different kinds of information to the rural women to initiate beneficial projects through govt. managed subsidised loan provision. To inspire the innocent women officials from different sectors have participated the programme and imparted project implementation knowledge to the women participants.

Addressing the participants TRPC chairman PK Jamatia has said, ” The BJP government is always in promptness to create empowerment amidst women of the country. Abundant women beneficial projects have been launched for the women empowerment but due to ignorance schemes are not implemented properly in rural areas. Promptness and awareness are required to generate prosperity through these schemes. We are always ready to assist all women SHG to implement any project from first to last through which we will have our desired achievement; rural development in deprived communities.” 

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