September 8, 2024


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Salesian Family Celebrates Feast Of Saint Don Bosco.

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The feast of Saint Don Bosco has been celebrated with due respect & dignity. Like every year, under the aegis of Don Bosco Parish Nandanangar Agartala, the Salesian Cooperators of Agartala unit in collaboration with Don Bosco Past Pupil Tripura Unit accompanied by Salesian fathers, sisters and brothers celebrated the feast of Don Bosco today in Don Bosco Parish, Agartala. The celebration began with Holy Mass offered by Fr. Sebastian Palatty SDB, the Principal of Don Bosco school Agartala, Fr. P.J. Joseph SDB the Assistant Parish Priest and Fr. Dinesh SDB, the Vice Principal of Don Bosco School Agartala.

St. John Bosco, also known as Don Bosco, was born on August 16, 1815 in Italy and died on January 31, 1888 at the age of 72 in Turin, Italy.​ As a Catholic priest, Don Bosco devoted himself to working for the material and spiritual welfare of youth, whom he found abandoned, neg­lected, and exposed to many dangers. To continue this work for youth Don Bosco founded the Salesian congregation. John Paul II conferred on him the title of a Father, Teacher, and Friend of the Youth. The feast of Don Bosco is celebrated the world over on 31st January every year.

During the Holy Euc­haristic celebration, the Salesian brothers, sisters and lay faithful together with Auxilium Convent students and FMA sisters of Auxilium Girls School Agartala thanked God for Don Bosco and prayed for the young people around the world through the intercession of the saint. After the Holy Eucharistic celebration, everyone gathered around the statue of Don Bosco installed near the church paying homage to the saint, singing hymns and praising God for the gift of the great saint Don Bosco. Through his life and mission Don Bosco brought ab­out a change in the way people looked at young people and their life status. He changed their lot by entering into their world and making them the centre of his life and accepting them as the greatest resources of the world through education. Today, the Salesians of Don Bosco serve the youth worldwide irrespective of religious affiliations or social inequalities. His new educational system, the preventive system is the driving force today in thousands of schools, colleges, technical schools, oratories, workshops, and youth centers spread across 133 countries in the world.

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